Remote support is a convenient way to get the support you need! If you would like to have your computer serviced remotely, please call to speak with a support agent at 928-583-4454.

When instructed by your TekStop Help Desk technician, click the link below to download our remote support application.

Benefits of Remote Support

Remote support is a great alternative to on-site services. Many problems can be resolved remotely with our Remote I.T. Support services for Mac, PC, Android, and iOS. If your devices powers on and can connect to the internet, we can perform remote computer repair services for you anywhere in the world. Save yourself time and money by contacting a TekStop technician today.

Remote support allows you to get the help you need, when and where you need it. Our friendly, professional technicians can stick with you and help you through your technical woes no matter where you are in the world. Gone are the days of finding a new technician when you move to a new city.

You can also save time – avoiding the hassle of lugging your computer into a repair shop or waiting for an in-home technician. Simply call our help desk and you’ll have the assistance you need in no time.

Beware of Scams!

Remote support is a fantastic way to get computer repair services. However, scammers have abused this technology to steal money from unsuspecting victims. The most important rule to follow is this. Never allow anyone to remotely control your computer unless you know and trust the individual with whom you’re working.

When in doubt, always call your trusted IT professional before allowing anyone to connect to your computer. It’s better to be safe than sorry! It’s our mission to spread awareness about this important topic. We hope save members of our community from the heartache associated with falling victim to a computer scam.

OneStop Membership for Your Home

OneStop Plus is our support plan for residential clients that want remote support and monitoring for their home computers. It’s the ultimate way to have a technician watching your back to keep your computer up and running. When is the last time your computer technician called you to proactively warn you of a problem? We have saved many clients from a dying computer by monitoring errors on their system. With OneStop Plus, we’re only a call away to help you resolve your computer problems quickly.

OneStop Plus includes:

  • Unlimited Remote Support
  • System error monitoring and response
  • Preferred pricing for all other services

Remote Support Software

Remote tech support is a valuable way to get computer help when you need it, fast! At TekStop, we use software to monitor and manage our clients’ systems. We can perform a variety of tasks remotely. The only requirement is that the computer is able to boot into the operating system and connect to the internet.

With our remote I.T. services, we can automate routine tasks to make sure your computer is running smoothly. Tasks such as Windows updates, disk cleanup, and more can be automatically performed without interrupting your work. We have a comprehensive set of tools and policies in place to help our clients stay productive.


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